7000 Yes 7001 No 7002 Read 7003 Write 7004 Create 7005 Execute 7006 Delete 7007 Change Attributes 7008 Change Permissions 7009 N/A 7010 Unknown 7011 None 7012 Error 7013 Warning 7014 Information 7015 Success Audit 7016 Failure Audit 7017 The description for Event ID ( %2 ) in Source ( %1 ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): 7018 N/A 7500 Forcing %1 to close %2 may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue? 7501 Forcing all files on %1 to close may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue? 7502 The user %1 has opened this resource for %2.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %3? 7503 Some of the users have resources open for %1, closing these open resources may result in loss of data.\n\nAre you sure you want to close all open resources? 7504 The event log record is misformed. 8001 Not enough memory or unable to load resource. 8002 Windows NT 8003 Insufficient memory available. 8004 Unable to start help. 8005 LM21_W30.HLP 8006 LM21_W31.HLP 8008 System error %1 occurred. 8009 Network error %1 occurred. 8010 LAN Manager error %1 occurred. 8011 ... 8012 Windows NT error 0x%1 occurred. 8018 The contents of the %1 is not valid. You must type a value between %2 and %3. 8022 The day field is too big. 8023 February only has 29 days in this year. 8024 February only has 28 days in this year. 8025 Month 8026 Day 8027 Year 8028 Hour 8029 Min 8030 Sec 8036 K 8037 MB 8038 GB 8039 TB 8040 field 8041 System error %1 8042 NT LanMan error %1 8043 Windows NT error 0x%1 8044 An unknown error occurred. 9000 &Domain 9001 &Servers 9002 &Domains and Servers 9003 You have not entered a valid selection. 9004 Working... 9005 You may not be able to browse all of the domains to which you have access because the following error occurred: %1 9007 This global group is in a domain which is not in the list of trusted domains. Have more trusted domains been added while new users were being selected? 9008 Cannot find the Domain Controller for domain %1.\n\nPress Cancel to select a different domain, or enter the name of a Windows NT server in domain %1. 9009 The server name you typed is invalid. 9010 Cannot find a user or group account with name %1 on the indicated domain(s). 9011 All Users 9013 Users accessing this object remotely 9015 Users accessing this object locally 9017 The user who creates this object 9018 The operating system 9020 Unable to browse the selected domain because the following error occurred: %1 9021 The account %1 could not be found. 9022 Working... 9025 Add User 9026 Add Users 9027 Add Group 9028 Add Groups 9029 Add Users and Groups 9030 Add User or Group 9035 All user accounts in a domain belong to its Domain Users global group. This membership list cannot be displayed. 9036 The last connection to server %1 was low speed 9037 The last connection to server %1 was high speed 9038 The last connection to domain %1 was low speed 9039 The last connection to domain %1 was high speed 9040 The account %1 is a user account. The application will not accept user accounts. 9041 The account %1 is a global group account. The application will not accept global group accounts. 9042 The account %1 is a local group account. The application will not accept local group accounts. 9043 The account %1 is a well known group account. The application will not accept well known group accounts. 9044 The Workstation service or the Browser service has not been started. 10524 Sunday 10525 Monday 10526 Tuesday 10527 Wednesday 10528 Thursday 10529 Friday 10530 Saturday 10531 Sun 10532 Mon 10533 Tue 10534 Wed 10535 Thu 10536 Fri 10537 Sat 10540 January 10541 Feburary 10542 March 10543 April 10544 May 10545 June 10546 July 10547 August 10548 September 10549 October 10550 November 10551 December 10556 Jan 10557 Feb 10558 Mar 10559 Apr 10560 May 10561 Jun 10562 Jul 10563 Aug 10564 Sep 10565 Oct 10566 Nov 10567 Dec 10568 %1D %2H %3M 16900 Account Unknown 16901 Account Deleted